A new radical research organization, tentatively named the Pacific Research Institute, has already been attacked by Palo Alto Times Editor Alexander Bodi. Harry Cleaver, graduate in economics, Michael Sweeney, senior in psychology, and lawyer Jim Wolpman are incorporating directors for the group, which will focus on current socio-economic problems.
Bodi accuses the new political research group of radical activities and suggests a multi-pronged attack to smash it before it can get under way. The non-profit tax exempt organization hopes to amass a publicly available file and library of data on economic development and growth as well as sociological and political studies.
The exact program is still in the planning stage, and will develop largely according to the specific interests of the researchers. Though the local scene and SRI activities will be included, the agenda is neither Stanford focused, Stanford sponsored, nor strictly a part of any Stanford radical student organization as Bodi intimates.
Bodi named an Alpine Road address as the radicals' headquarters for the summer
and invites nonradicals to counter this kind of activity.
Bodi slams every possible zoning and safety ordinance on the researchers.
Is the property properly zoned for public gatherings?
he asks. Is there adequate offstreet parking? Are there sufficient fire extinguishers and other safety measures to protect the welfare of the radicals who will be gathering there? Are there adequate toilet facilities—perhaps segregated for mixed attendance?
Are the building's foundations solid enough to keep the structure from collapsing on the substantial crowd that might gather there? How about the electrical wiring? And sewage disposal? There are all sorts of city and district ordinances and regulations that could be brought to bear.
Bodi encourages further harassment by infiltration,
enjoining conservatives to attend meetings, get on mailing lists, and be elected to office within the organization.
In addition to scourging the administrative repression
Bodi calls for, the latest Peninsula Observer points out the Times bears at least part of the blame for the bombings of the Free University and local left organizations last winter… Bodi's quoting the address of the PRI [Pacific Research Institute] is a direct incitement to the next batch of bombers.
The Observer holds the Times' editorial and like anti-radical propaganda responsible for the climate of opinion in this country that makes bombers possible.
Concerning Bodi's recommendation for infiltration, the Observer points to the reality of right-wingers acting as tools of the Stanford administration, the local police, and the Stanford Research Institute
in the recent activities against SRI.
Rightwingers took names and photographs, swore out affidavits, delivered injunctions and I probably fingered Stanford radicals to the governmental committees that are currently warming up for an all-out attack on the student left.
There is a right-wing revival going on, and it's going on because it's being encouraged by people who have something to protect, and who aren't too particular about what they use to protect it.
In answer to Bodi's threats of zoning and ordinance harassment, the Observer retorts, When political decisions, like whether to drive the radicals out of your town, are put into the hands of building authorities, or even the police, there's not much the public can do to control them…