Chapter 6
Research Life Not Death—The April Third Movement
The April, 1969 occupation of the Applied Electronics Laboratory ends classified research on campus, and the Movement shuts down the Stanford Research Institute's counterinsurgency offices for a day.
Announcement of April 3 Meeting
Announcement of the meeting to be held April 3, 1969 to discuss and decide how we can join in the decision-making with regard to the nature of research done at Stanford and at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).
Letter to President Pitzer Conveying Demands
April 4, 1969 letter to President Pitzer, from The April 3 Community Meeting, asking him to place several requests and statements of principle on the agenda of the Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for April 8.
Vigils During Trustee Meetings
On April 8, forty students picketed outside the Trustee Meeting in San Francisco, and about 100 students held a vigil in the Old Union Courtyard.
Pitzer’s Remarks to the Trustees
Pitzer’s statement to the trustees at the April 8 Trustee Meeting, urging the trustees to listen carefully to student and faculty views and to take some action today that will indicate your concern—that will symbolize your recognition of these problems.
Up Against the Screen: The People's Theater
Trifold announcing a series of seven political films, screened in Cubberley Auditorium or Memorial Auditorium, presented by The Resistance and S.D.S. The series consists of Memorandum, The Battle of Algiers, Strike, Salt of the Earth, To Die in Madrid, The Organizer, and Viva Zapata!
The Battle of Algiers
Directed by Gillo Pontecorvo, The Battle of Algiers is considered one of the most influential political films in history. It was screened in Memorial Auditorium on April 8, and shown again, projected on the wall of AEL during the sit-in.
Students Sit In at AEL
As reported in The Stanford Daily, The take over came after a community meeting in Dinkelspiel Auditorium in which an overflow crowd of 900 students voted by a two-to-one margin to "occupy the Applied Electronics Laboratory such that the research cannot go on.
Motion by Student Body President Denis Hayes
Several motions were made during the April 9 meeting at Dinkelspiel Auditorium.
Students Sit In at AEL
After a meeting in Dinkelspiel Auditorium in which students voted to “occupy” the Applied Electronics Laboratory, more than 100 people entered the AEL to demonstrate against continuation of classified work there.
Seeking Community Support
The A3M Liaison Committee organized discussions and leafleting at schools and centers around Palo Alto.
Sit-In Rejects Resolution to Leave
Activities on April 14 included talking with SRI researchers at the Menlo Park facility, while others picketed the home of several trustees.
Committees and Work Groups
Flyer urging “all participants in the struggle” to join a group, followed by a list of committees and work groups.
AEL Publishes Anti-Sex Lit
Students wandering through the Applied Electronics Laboratories came across an odd little booklet in the lab’s printing section entititled Sex/Family Life Education and Sensitivity Training—Indoctrination or Education?
Published by the authority of the people or more specifically by the authority of the Committee on Publications of the April Third Coalition, DECLASSIFIED came into existence with the occupation of the Applied Electronics Laboratories. Publication began on April 10 and continued through May 12, with many issues actually printed on presses within AEL.
Printing Press Sabotage
Printing was temporarily interrupted due to an offender’s attempt to disable the printing press.
Message from the April 3 Movement to the Stanford Community
Since the University has not been able to generate research guidelines in a timely manner, A3M has created its own Guidelines for Research at Stanford and SRI, to be implemented by its Research Review Board.
Bob Beyers
Robert W. “Bob” Beyers headed the Stanford University News Service, the entity responsible for University Press Releases during the A3M years.
Beyers' Counterinsurgency
Criticism was leveled at the Stanford University News Service for its delay in reporting the results of the voting by the student body at a meeting in Frost Amphitheater.
Sit-In Continues
As the sit-in entered its fifth day, Provost Richard W. Lyman announced that members of the faculty and staff would begin taking names of those occupying the Applied Electronics Laboratory.
An A3M Marriage
In the AEL courtyard, Paul Rupert of the United Christian Ministry officiated at a marriage ceremony for two AEL demonstrators.
Can’t Fight Fire with Fire
Black Panther Party Chairman Bobby Seale made a surprise appearance at the AEL sit-in when he was introduced by Tom Hayden, founder of SDS.
Police Battle Students at Harvard Sit-In
More than 400 policemen swept 200 protesters out of Harvard's revered University Hall yesterday in a bloody clash that left 30 persons hurt and about 200 under arrest.
A3M Plans To Start Research
Supporters of the April Third Movement endorsed plans to start research on activities in nearby buildings.
My Name is The April 3 Movement
Suggested response to faculty interviewers as decided by a community meeting vote.
Support Letters
Many letters in support of the Movement were sent, such as R.W. Lee’s “A Personal Position Statement,” and letters from groups and organizations.
Delta Tau Delta Support Letter
Letters supporting the Movement from Grove House, Lambda Nu, Cardinal House and Delta Tau Delta.
Students Cast Ballots on Sit-In
As Michael Sweeney pointed out, the Daily published the results more rapidly than the Stanford News Service.
AEL Occupation in 4th Day
This is now the longest occupation of a university war research building in the history of the world.
Electronic Warfare
The Association of Old Crows is the American professional and social association of electronic warfare specialists. At the time, their magazine was titled Electronic Warfare.
The Next Step: Moving on to SRI
Stanford News Release about A3M April 17, 1969 press conference, after which AEL researchers offered their comments.
The Cost of Disrupting Electronic Warfare Research
A U.S. Senate Subcommittee reported on the disruptions at Stanford and made allegations regarding its cost to Stanford.
The Goods on AEL
Report on AEL produced by the April 3rd Movement from AEL.
David Pugh
Interview with David Pugh conducted by Vanessa Ochavillo, 2018.
Marc A. Weiss
Interview with Dr. Marc A. Weiss conducted by Vanessa Ochavillo, 2018.
Assocation of Old Crows
Professor William R. Rambo’s Association of Old Crows Certificate of Membership, as a Charter Member in 1964. I was amused, as I searched in 2019 for information on the AOC, that the initials now stood for Alexandria Ocasio-Ortez, not the Association of Old Crows.
Rambo, Black Crow
A poem in three stanzas.
Radicals Vilify Association of Old Crows
Article from Electronic Warfare, the magazine of the Association of Old Crows (AOC), talks about AEL sit-in, aims of AEL, goals of those sitting in, etc.
Increase in University’s Strength May Result from Recent Actions
A ballot was mailed to members of the Academic Council to determine the fate of ROTC on the Stanford campus.
Research Policy Committee Holds Open Hearing
A two and a half hour open hearing of the Research Policy Committee met to come to grips with guidelines for research policy.
Senate Asks Curbs On Secret Research
The Academic Senate called for the drafting of new policy guidelines "which prohibit research which involves secrecy of sponsorship or results."
Academic Senate Bans Secret Research
The Academic Senate approved a sweeping ban on secret research that will affect all 12 of Stanford's classified research programs.
Proposals for Controlling Research
After the Academic Senate voted to abolish classified research on campus, the A3M issued this statement pointing out that some objectionable research is not classified and should be opposed. Hand dated April 24.
Guidelines for Research at Stanford and SRI
This document, hand dated April 14, appears to be a final draft of the April 11 Suggestions for Guidelines for Research at Stanford and SRI.
Call for a General Meeting of the Student Body
Announcement by ASSU President Denis Hayes calling for a general meeting of the student body on April 18 in Frost Amphitheater. The announcement includes the meeting agenda and resolutions to be discussed and voted on.
Maggie’s Farm: A Radical Guide to Stanford
A guide prepared by members and associates of the Stanford chapter of Students for a Democratic Society
We’re Gonna Get There
The Applied Electronics Laboratory was the birthplace of a movement and its community. Thus began our statement as we prepared to leave AEL.
Rally in Frost Amphitheater
Approximately 8,000 members of the University community met in Frost Amphitheater on April 18, 1960. Graduate student Paul Bernstein in effect summarized the thoughts expressed when he said, “We should look inward to find moral concerns, and then take actions so we can respect ourselves as human beings.”
S.R.I., Stanford, and SDS
A position paper on the proposed student-faculty investigation of the relationship of SRI and the University, written by Lenny Siegel, Harry Cleaver, Art Eisenson, and others.
Report of the Stanford-SRI Study Committee
Cover letter from President Kenneth S. Pitzer, followed by the 52-page report prepared by an ad hoc student-faculty committee chaired by Prof. Kenneth E. Scott.
Half a Report Is Stranger Than None
On April 14, all employees of SRI received part of the SRI Study Committee report on the future relationship between Stanford University and SRI. What SRI employees did not receive was the 17-page minority portion of the report.
Report of the Stanford-SRI Study Committee
The seven person majority of the Stanford-SRI Committee felt that morally objectionable research could be prescribed and maintained whether or not SRI was sold or maintained under University control.
The Stanford Daily Editorial on SRI
What we do need to understand is ourselves. We must know whether we are responsible for our own actions, the actions of Stanford University, and the actions of our nation.
SRI Poll Results
Responses to a poll suggested by the University Advisory Committee indicate that a majority of the Stanford community is dissatisfied with the current research policies of the Stanford Research Institute.
Students March on SRI
I led a guided tour of the Stanford Industrial Park, including the exterior of SRI’s counterinsurgency offices. The photo in this article is similar to the cover photo of Disturbing the War.
Politically, how do we stand to gain from a sit-in?
A political analysis of what motivated the Encina occupation.
A3M Seizes Encina Hall
The seizure of Encina Hall by the A3M Movement is the most serious student demonstration in Stanford’s history. At 2:35 a.m., Dean of Students Joel Smith told the demonstrators at Encina that they would be given immediate, temporary suspensions if they did not leave in 15 minutes.
A3M Renames Encina Hall
A3M report on its first general meeting during the Encina occupation, printed on Stanford University “Office of the President” letterhead, announcing the movement’s unanimous decision to rename Encina Hall the Huey P. Newton Institute for the Study of Racism, Imperialism, and Capitalism.
Richard W. Lyman Dies at Age 88
Stanford University President Emeritus Richard W. Lyman, known for his unequivocal stance against the violent student protests that erupted on campus during the turbulent late 1960s and early 1970s, died Sunday, May 27 of congestive heart failure at Channing House in Palo Alto.
Encina Injunction
Complaint for Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction and Permanent Injunction Against Repeated Trespass and for Abatement of Nuisance, filed May 1, 1969, by attorneys for the plaintiff, The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University, against the defendants.
Smash the Injunction
The movement is on trial. Not just a few leaders, not just a few of the people most active or visible. What is at stake is the existence of the April 3rd Movement itself and the immediate question of the Movement’s demands. The injunction is a clear case of political repression.
A3M Declared Dead
“The April Third Movement was declared dead by its critics. But spurred on by the extremity of the court injunction against it, the movement resolved to rebuild, learning the lessons of the Encina debacle.”
The April Third Movement Lives!
List of A3M Affinity Groups with times and places of their meetings.
“Why a boycott?” with answers provided by Tori Block.
Movement Awaits Trustees’ Action
Small "affinity-group" discussions on appropriate responses to whatever action is taken by the Trustees at their meeting will highlight today's boycott of classes called by the April 3rd Movement to show support for their demands.
Trustees’ Statement on SRI
In deciding the fate of SRI and its relationship to the University, the Stanford Board of Trustees face a “multitude of complex issues.”
Trustees to Terminate SRI Relationship
The Stanford Board of Trustees, meeting in San Francisco yesterday, said that they believe the formal ties between the Stanford Research Institute and the University should be terminated.
A3M Plans Action at SRI-Hanover
About 200 members of the April Third Movement marched by candlelight to Stanford Research Institute's Hanover Street facility last night after voting to disrupt work at the building Friday morning. The demonstration is in response to the Trustees' decision to sever the ties between SRI and the University, an action the ASM has continually opposed.
Palo Alto Police Department Case Number 69-2898.
English lecturer Ed McClanahan recounted a more dramatic version in his barely fictionalized, “Another Great Moment in Sports,” in My VITA, If You Will. (Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 1998.) Renaming me “Norman,” he wrote, “So you might say that Norman had been preparing all his life for his Clear Moment, sacrificing hours of reading Marx in the library to work on his forward pass so that he’ll be ready when the time comes, planning for that nanosecond in history that will mark the convergence of the hot grenade, the glove, and the plateglass window.” (p. 205)
The Case of the Missing Photos
Law Prof. Jack Friedenthal, chairman of the Stanford Judicial Council, reported yesterday that students crowding in his office stole approximately 100 photographs used to identify participants in the May 1 occupation of Encina Hall.
We Have Built a Movement
Lenny Siegel concluded in Maggie’s Farm, But most important, we have built a movement. Students who may easily have been channeled into the niches of corporate anonymity now see social purpose in radical politics. We have found community. We are questioning the whole nature of the society in which we live. And we will never forget the lessons we learned during the April Third Movement.