Announcement of events in San Francisco on October 16, 1967
Members of the Resistance will turn in their draft cards and hold a rally at 1:00 PM at the Federal Building.
Announcement that draft cards will be turned in
National statement announcing plans to turn in draft cards on October 16 and on December 4, 1967.
September 23, 1969
Antidrafters found guilty
Palo Alto Times article about four persons found guilty of trespassing at Los Altos High School.
David Harris Trial
Account of Sentencing, a Ramparts Memo by Larry Bensky.
The Resistance – a statement by Hamilton, Cummings, Harris, and Sweeny
We Refuse to Serve
A statement by Heller, Hamilton, Harris, and Sweeny.
Six Statements for Peace in America
Individual statements by six draft resistors, printed by the Peace and Liberation Commune Press in East Palo Alto.
It’s Not Too Late; Know Your Rights
A flyer apparently to hand out at the induction center put out by the San Jose Resistance, the Berkeley Anti-Draft Union, and the Resistance.
The Resistance April 3
“On April 3, The Resistance will grow. Young men across the country will return their draft cards to the government …”