Historical Archive
Franklin Firing
War Research & Industry
April 21 Strike, etc.
May Actions
February 1971
“Letter to President Richard W. Lyman from Stanford Community Women for Peace”
Petition asking for a prohibition on campus recruiting by military and by companies whose principal activity is production of weapons.
“FMC: Profits vs. People”
Four page critique of FMC, probably February, 1971.
c. February, 1971
“Stanford University Career Planning and Placement Center”
Ironic three-fold flier.
February 26, 1971
“There are Limits to What Our Conscience Can Bear"
Statement by Stanford Women for Peace protesting FMC recruiting on campus.
February 26 and 27, 1971
“Stanford Wives in ‘War Job’ Protest” and “Faculty Wives Protest Job Recruiter”
Stanford faculty wives join the protest against recruiters on campus. San Francisco Chronicle, February 27, 1971 and Palo Alto Times, Febuary 26, 1971.
March 4, 1971
“To mmunity Women for
Letter from Stanford Community Women for Peace submitted to The Stanford Daily opposing military and weapons contractor recruiting on campus.
Stanford University Career Planning and Placement Center
A flyer describing the center from the point of view of those opposed to many of the recruiters.
c. October 25, 1971
Career Placement Interviews
List of companies scheduled to conduct interviews November 1–5, and their relationships to the military.
October 27, 1971
ASSU Letter to Texas Instruments
Letter from the ASSU Council of Presidents asking them to respect the student referendum and not to recruit on campus.
October 27, 1971
ASSU Letter to Ralph Keller, Director of Student Placement Services
Letter from the ASSU Council of Presidents to the Director of Student Placement Service, asking his cooperation with the referendum passed by the student body.
October 28, 1971
Placement Center Declared an “Open Violation of Official Student Policy”
Statement from the ASSU Council of Presidents supporting the student referendum on the Placement Center and calling for picketing, rallies, and dorm meetings to enforce the referendum.
Caution: Honeywell May Be Hazardous to Your Health
Flyer about Honeywell Corporation and its products
November 4, 1971
Stanford Press Release
“Two Honeywell recruiters left Stanford early Thursday afternoon, Nov. 4, one-half hour after 100 war protesters streamed into the Career Planning and Placement Center.”
Quiet and Firm
Unsigned, undated flyer with instructions for participants in the demonstration against Navy recruiting to be non-violent.
c. January 5, 1972
Department of Defense Recruiter at the Business School
Association of Young Crows flyer concerning a rally on January 10 when Department of Defense Recruiters come to the Business School; and discussions at dorms that evening concerning the firing of Bruce Franklin.
January 6, 1972
“Restricting campus recruitment …”
“Restricting campus recruitment ‘is not only offensive, but also impractical and unworkable in a university,’ 271 Stanford faculty members declared …” Stanford University Press Release.
February 18, 1972
Cost of Barring Recruiting
“Barring military recruiting from formal placement facilities on campus could cost Stanford $16.4 million in NASA and Defense Department sponsored research contracts under existing law, President Richard Lyman said Tuesday night, Feb. 15.” Stanford University Press Release.
March 9, 1972
“Committee on Services to Students Report on Recruitment Policies”
Included majority and minority reports, as well as response from President Lyman, printed as an ad in the The Stanford Daily.
CJP: A Mighty Tall Tale
Pamphlet produced by Placement Center Defense Collective which begins, “The Campus Judicial Panel (CJP) is a totalitarian, unrepresentative mockery of every basic principle of law.
March 16, 1972
Stanford Press Release
“The Campus Judicial Panel has unanimously recommended three quarter suspensions, starting Spring Quarter, for four students who disrupted interviews at the Career Planning and Placement Center last November.”
March 17, 1972
Faculty Senate Votes
“The Faculty Senate Thursday, March 16, voted 31 to 6, with two abstentions, against selective restrictions on military recruiting at Stanford.” Stanford University Press Release.
July 31, 1984
“Stanford Unlikely to be Affected by Defense Department Rules on Military Recruitment”
“New Department of Defense rules that allow it to cut off funds from various departments in colleges or universities that ban military recruiters are unlikely to affect Stanford, even though the Army and other service branches refuse to hire homosexuals.” Stanford University Press Release.