October 27, 1972
Social Security Numbers
“Following recommendations of an ad hoc committee on privacy of information, Stanford will not collect or use social security numbers in connection with student records …” and “The committee suggested 10 principles as guidelines for the University” with regard to privacy concerns in data collection and retention. Stanford University Press Release.
January 3, 1973
Is Peace at Hand?
Mini-pamphlet published by the Pacific Studies Center and the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars, between the December 1972 Christmas bombings of North Vietnam by the U.S. and the signing of the Paris Peace Accords in late January 1973.
c. February, 1973
Might vs. Right in America
A conference at Stanford Feb 20-23, sponsored by Stanford Committee on Political Education (SCOPE) and the A.S.S.U. Speakers Bureau. Speakers: Paul Rupert, Bill Kurtis, Barbara Babcock, Ramsey Clark, Paul Halvonik, Frank Donner, Steve Weissman, and Daniel Ellsberg.
Also available in six parts. The first file is the cover, second is inside front cover, third is pages 1-6, then 7-12, 13-18, and 19-24:
October 1973
Discrimination Suit
“Stanford and UC Brought to Court for Sex-Race Discrimination,” Freedom News.
December 5, 1974
Radical Group Supports Liberation of All People
The Stanford Daily article about the Alliance for Radical Change.
February, 1975
Here We Go Again
“A Report on the Stanford-Iran Contract brought to you by the Alliance for Radical Change”
May, 1975
Here We Go Again
“A Prototype Alternative Newspaper brought to you by the New Newspaper Collective”
May 28, 1975
P.O. Box column
“Bug Me” column by Patty Fels, pointing out that Stanford Post Office was releasing PO Box information contrary to law and to Stanford policy. Stanford Daily.5
Against The Grain
Against the Grain is an occasional, tabloid-format newspaper published by the New Newspaper Collective. Iaasues posted here include September 29, 1975 (Against 1.1 and 1.2); October 30, 1975 (Against 2.1 and 2.2); December 10, 1975 (Against 3); and April 12, 1976 (Against 4).
September, 1976
“Presidential Puppet Show”
Flier, with caricature, announcing protest at President Gerald Ford’s dedication of the new Stanford Law School Building September 21, 1976
September 28, 1976
“Privacy of Student Records”
Statement of policy by Sally Mahoney, Registrar and Associate Provost, Stanford Daily. (Ad paid for by Stanford News and Publications Service.)
October, 1976
Campus Spying
“CIA campus spying blasted by Lyman,” Stanford Observer.
December 1976
Librarian Wins
“Stanford Librarian Wins Discrimination Fight,” Grapevine. Lise Giraud, a librarian at Stanford, won about $50,000 in retroactive pay raises.
March 1, 1977
Stevens Protesters Occupy Encina Office
Two articles in The Stanford Daily.
March 1, 1977
Stanford Press Release
“More than 50 protesters against J.P. Stevens employment policies ended a brief sit-in peacefully at Stanford Monday night, Feb. 28.”
March 10, 1977
J.P. Stevens Labor Policies Prompted Campus Controversy
The Stanford Daily article reporting that, “J.P.Stevens & Co., the second largest textile manufacturer in the United States, has been found guilty of discriminatory employment practices, wiretapping of union organizers, tax evasion, industrial piracy, and price fixing.”