Historical Archive
Trustee Positions on ROTC
March 12, 1969
Trustees Role in Curricular Matters
Memo from Yale Braunstein, Speaker of LASSU, to President Pitzer, March 12, 1969.
March 13, 1969
Trustees Call ROTC “Vital”
Trustees “called ROTC ‘vital to the continued supply of civilian leadership for the military service,’” Stanford University Press Release, March 11, 1969; with a cover note to Yale Braunstein, dated 3/13/69, from Fred Glover, suggesting that it answers questions raised in his March 12 memo to Pitzer.
March 12, 1969
ROTC at Stanford Gets Trustees’ Backing
Palo Alto Times, March 12, 1969
April, 1969
Trustees Urge Full Negotiations on ROTC”
The Stanford Observer, hand dated April 1969, basd on March 11 Press Release.
May 18, 1972
Packard hits removal of ROTC
Palo Alto Times article, May 18, 1972.