Historical Archive
A3M: U.S. Senate Investigation
March 7, 1968
Stanford Critical of Anti-Riot Amendment
Press Release reporting that Stanford officials “sharply criticized” an “anti-riot” amendment attached to the HEW appropriations.
May 1, 1969
Senate Motion to Hold Hearings on Disorders on College Campuses
Motion for the U S Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to hold public hearings in connection with investigations of civil and criminal disorders on college campuses.
May 23, 1969
Senate Subpoena
Subpoena commanding Kenneth Pitzer to appear before the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, on June 3, 1969, signed by John McClellan.
May 28, 1969
Staff of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
Members and Staff of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, chaired by Senator John McClellan of Arkansas.
May 28, 1969
Pitzer’s Open Letter to the Stanford Community
Letter addressing issues surrounding a subpoena issued by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the U.S. Senate Committee on Government Operations.
May 28, 1969
Letter to Stephan Weissman Concerning Subpoena
Letter from Stanford advising him that the University has a subpoena asking for information about him and others.
SDS Demand to Kenneth Pitzer
Letter from Students for a Democratic Society to Kenneth Pitzer, demanding that he not cooperate with the Senate subpoena and that he provide the individuals named in the subpoena access to all files by May 29, 1969; and threatening that failure to comply with SDS demands will result in SDS “not seeking to prevent the publication by parties unknown of such information as the salaries of the Stanford faculty.”
May 29, 1969
Stanford Administration Comments on Senate Subpoena
Stanford Press Release reporting statements by Provost Richard W. Lyman and President Kenneth S. Pitzer concerning the Senate subcommittee subpoena served on May 27, 1969.
May 29, 1969
ACLU Urges Stanford to Move to Quash Subpoena
Telegram from the ACLU to five college presidents, including Stanford and Berkeley, urging Stanford to move to quash the subpoena issued by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and offering legal assistance to challenge “this assault on the First Amendment.”
June 2, 1969
Lyman’s Statement on the Anti-Riot Amendments
Press Release reports Provost Richard W. Lyman saying that the so-called ‘anti-riot’ amendments attached to federal appropriations for higher education intensify the very problem they are supposed to solve —campus disruption.
June 3, 1969
Pitzer’s Response to the Senate Subpoena
Letter from President Kenneth Pitzer’s to Senator John McClellan, containing Pitzer’s response to the subpoena issued by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
June 3, 1969
Professors Respond to Senate Subpoena
Stanford Press release citing responses to the Senate subpoena by Provost Richard W. Lyman and by Professors Avram Goldstein, Robert McAfee Brown, Gavin Langmuir, Sanford Dornbusch, Leonard Schiff, Gerald Gunther, and William Clebsch.
June 3, 1969
Pitzer’s Response to Senate Subpoena
Stanford Press Release reporting on information Pitzer provided, and did not provide, in responding to the Senate subcommittee subpoena.
Pitzer’s Testimony
Appears to be portions of Pitzer’s testimony before the Senate Subcommittee.
June 4, 1969
Stanford Complies with Senate Subpoena
San Jose Mercury article reporting that Stanford complied with a portion of the subpoena issued by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
June 4, 1969
Pitzer Releases Information to McClellan Senate Subcommittee
San Francisco Chronicle article reporting that Stanford University complied in part with the McClellan subcommittee subpoena concerning student records.
June 4 & 5, 1969
Stanford Defies Part of Probe Subpoena
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner article reporting on Stanford’s refusal to disclose the names of officers of 12 organizations under investigation by a Senate subcommittee. Also, a June 5, 1969 article titled, “Judge Bars S.D.S. Effort to Keep Columbia Records From Senate.”
June 7, 1969
McClellan’s Response to Pitzer
Letter from Senator John McClellan to President Kenneth Pitzer, which begins with, “Your letter of June 3, 1969, is not fully responsive to a subpoena issued by this Subcommittee on May 23, 1969.”
June 8, 1969
McClellan Urges Pitzer to Cooperate
San Francisco Chronicle article reporting that Senate investigators prodded Stanford University to comply with a subpoena directing Stanford to supply a list of officers of 12 organizations allegedly involved in campus disorders.
June 14, 1969
Statement by Trustee John W. Gardner
Press Release quotes Trustee John W. Gardner saying that federal and state intervention is a “counter-productive and potentially dangerous” means of saving universities.
July 1, 1969
Pitzer Deplores Crackdown in Senate Testimony
Palo Alto Times article on Pitzer’s testimony to the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
July 2, 1969
Stanford Aide Hits Riot Bills
Palo Alto Times article.
July 2, 1969
McClellan, Pitzer Clash on Demonstrators
San Jose Mercury article reporting that Senator McClellan accused the Santa Clara Sheriff of “acting outside the law” in their handling of Stanford demonstrators.
July 2, 1969
McClellan Praises Stanford
“Senator John McClellan, Arkansas, today praised Stanford for its ‘sincere efforts to do something about campus disruptions,’ but emphasized that Congress should not ‘give taxpayers’ dollars to rabble-rousing disrupters.” Stanford University Press Release.
July 3, 1969
Colleges Should Solve Unrest, Pentagon Says
Los Angeles Times article reporting that the Defense Department urged Congress to let colleges solve their own campus unrest problems.
July 3, 1969
Rambo Predicts More Protests; McClellan Criticizes Santa Clara Deputies
San Jose Mercury article about Prof. William R. Rambo’s testifying before a Senate subcommittee, and an article reporting criticism by Senator John McClellan of Santa Clara County deputies.
July 4, 1969
Deans Say Campus Unrest is Decreasing
San Francisco Chronicle stating that administrators are now better prepared equipped to handle disruptions and prevent violence.
Essay by Tex Dobkins
Identified as a member of both A3M and SDS, Tex Dobkins argues that Pitzer “need not honor the whims of a dishonorable politician” (McClellan) who shirked “his duty to investigate the murder of President Kennedy at the hands of Lee Oswald.”
Summer, 1969
A fourteen page chronology of events, covering the period from 4/13/67 to 6/15/69, attributed to Margaret Brunsvold (?) of SRI management, submitted to the McClellan committee in the summer of 1969. (The scanning was done from what must be a copy of the original. The writing falls off the right sides of the page in places on that copy.)
March 23, 1971
Riots, Civil and Criminal Disorders: College Campus Disorders
Second Interim Report of the Committee on Government Operations, United States Senate, made by its Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It is report No. 92-42 of the 92nd Congress, 1st session. The title page, table of contents, introduction, and pages about Stanford are the only pages scanned.