Historical Archive
SRI Coalition
Introducing the SRI Coalition
Two similar documents which provide a brief introduction to SRI and its war-related research; the possible alternatives which may be offered by a committee studying the relationship of SRI to Stanford; and an introduction to the SRI Coalition, “a group composed of faculty, students, and members of the Stanford community who are opposed to the research being conducted at SRI in chemical and biological warfare and counter-insurgency.”
SRI Coalition Petition
Petition urging “that SRI be brought under closer control by the University community and that no further Chemical-Biological Warfare or counter-insurgency contracts be accepted by SRI.” The twenty-four listed sponsors are Caroline Bixby, Head Women’s Sponsor; Yale Braunstein, LASSU Speaker; Robert McAfee Brown, Professor. of Religion; John Chowning, Assistant. Professor of Music; Dwight Clark, Director of Volunteers in Asia; Martin Cornoy, Assistant Professor of Education; John Duryea, Catholic Chaplain; Jerome Feldman, Assistant Professor of Computer Science; John Flores, Assistant Professor of German; David Jones, Committee for Democratic Politics; Harold Kahn, Visiting Assistant Professor of History; Hadley Kirkman, Professor of Anatomy, Emeritus; Eric Larson, Head Men’s Sponsor; Virginia Linsley, Students for a Democratic Society; David Mannheimer, ASSU Education Council; Andrew Moss, Stanford ADT; Paul Rupert, Resistance; David Schilling, Assistant. to the Dean of the Chapel; Victor von Schlegel, ASSU Vice-President; Norman Sissman, Associate Professor of Pediatrics; Philip Taubman, Editor of The Daily; and Michale Wald, Assistant Professor of Law.
Cops and Robbers in the High Schools
A report on the SRI Coalition’s “information offensive” at the three Palo Alto High Schools, and the school administrations’ attempts to repress the rallies.
Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW)
A general discussion of CBW agents and SRI’s activities in this area.
March 28, 1969
Planning Meeting To Be Held April 3
This four-page discussion of issues around war research in general and SRI in particular ends with “a planning meeting to determine the steps to be taken to end CBW, counterinsurgency, and Cold War defense research at SRO and Stanford will be held at Stanford on Thursday, April 3, 4:00 p.m., at Dinkelspiel Auditorium.”
This 26 page booklet discusses the relationship between counterinsurgency and economics, the mid-peninsula’s economic dependence on military spending, and the roles of Stanford and SRI in CBW and counterinsurgency research. Initially published by the SRI Coalition, it later was produced by members of the April 3rd Movement who added a credit at the end of the table of contents, a paragraph on page 23 (in the second column beginning “In addition …”), and the “Conclusion (As of April 12, 1969)” at the end of the document. This document also is available in the A3M SRI section of the Historical Archive.