Historical Archive
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Vietnam Moratorium
Cambodia Strike
Trustee Reform (1968–1970)
Vietnam Moratorium
October, 1969
Reply to Pitzer
On October 9, 1969, Pitzer issued a statement of opposition to the war, while insisting that protests must be carried out in a way “that the University’s obligations are fully met.” This statement by the SDS Committee on War and Imperialism addresses Pitzer’s statement and describes it as “the quintessence of liberal ideology.”
October 14
Stanford SDS presents Red Flag Tours
On October 15, “as we protest by staying out of class,” Stanford SDS will offer two tours.
October, 1970
Cross Currents
A Bi-Weekly Journal of News and Opinion, Vol 1, No. 4 (October 1969), published in Palo Alto. (The paper lacks a masthead so no editor/author is identifiable.) The front page has an editorial on the October 15 Vietnam Moratorium. A story on Leland Stanford by David Sachsman also was scanned.
Support the Moratorium
Undated, unsigned flyer asking the reader to support the moratorium.
October 15, 1969
SDS Letters to Fairchild Employees and to Watkins-Johnson Employees
Letters asking employees to support the National Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam, and attend an 8:00 PM rally in Memorial Church.
October 15, 1969
We Are Asking That the US Pull Out of Vietnam Immediately!!
Unsigned piece titled “Vietnam” and beginning “As you probably know, today is the day of a nationwide protest against the Vietnam War.”
Defeat US Imperialism in Vietnam
Flyer from the SDS Committee on War and Imperialism calling on students to unite with workers to fight corporation bosses.