Historical Archive
The Axon
Land Use
Vietnam Moratorium
Cambodia Strike
Trustee Reform (1968–1970)
Land Use
January 10, 1967
Stanford Industrial Park Employees
Palo Alto Planning Department summary of Industrial Park Employee share by location.
October 1, 1969
SDS May Charge Up Coyote Hill
Palo Alto Times article.
Citizens’ Statement of Requests
Undated, unsigned requests from representative citizens on matters of land use and planning, including the formation of a citizens’ advisory committee.
October 3, 1969
Stanford Press Release
“Stanford’s use of its land endowment – long a major source of funds … may become a major campus issue this fall.”
October 13, 1969
Around the Beats
Palo Alto Times column by James McNabb Jr. predicting that Stanford land use will become a major issue.
c. December
Stanford Shopping Center Expansion
Statement about the need for planning touching on a number of issues including the “proposed Dumbarton Bridge.” It is undated and unsigned. It seems to have been prompted by the announcement of a meeting on December 16th to discuss the expansion of Stanford Shopping Center.
Does Stanford Need the Money from Land Development?
An essay by Michael Sweeney which argues that it does not.
January 14, 1970
“House People, Not Profits”
Lenny Siegel’s draft description of Grass Roots.
January 20, 1970
Grass Roots Proposal
Lenny Siegel’s proposal for Grass Roots’ positions on industrial development.
January 1970
Parody song about Palo Alto Square by the Grass Roots “Hard Corps.”
January 22, 1970
The Oak Creek Apartments
Stanford Daily column by Lee Herzenberg summarizing Grass Roots’ critique of Stanford land use.
February, 1970
Grass Roots
February 1970 article by Mike Sweeney in Free You explaining Grass Roots and focusing on several related issues: Dillingham Corporation and Palo Alto Square, Coyote Hill, low-rent housing, and a proposed hospital.
February 25, 1970
“Grass Roots: Are the Radicals Opportunists?”
Lenny Siegel’s draft column, printed in final form in the Stanford Daily, February 25, 1970.
The Promised Land: A Grass Roots Report on Mid-Peninsula Land Use
61-page booklet covering the history of mid-peninsula land use and its relation to jobs and population, housing, ecology, Stanford, and Palo Alto.
c. March
Spring Rites
Flyer which explains that Grass Roots is a “land use group” and invites the public to join in several organizational meetings and demonstrations beginning March 31.
March 17, 1970
An Exorcism of Demon Dillingham
Grass Roots announcement of a gathering to exorcise the demons from the proposed site of Palo Alto Square on March 17.
April 1, 1970
The People’s Complaint against Stanford
Complaint in the International People’s Court in and for the Mid-Peninsula Area, Stanford Branch, brought by brought by the People and their Collective Well-Being against the Stanford Trustees and “their several thousand ruling class allies,” regarding land use policies. Hand dated 4/1/70.
April 23, 1970
Stanford Press Release
Professor Stegner said Stanford should slow its land development activities.
Support the Stanford Five and Protest Construction of Palo Alto Square
Grass Roots invitation to attend the morning contempt hearing of the five members of the Off-ROTC movement, then take the train to San Francisco for a demonstration at the Dillingham Corporation offices to protest the Palo Alto Square Project.
November 22, 1972 and December 6, 1972
Stanford Land Use Policies Reflect Commercial Interest and Area Residents Challenge Development
John Philo’s critique of Stanford land use, published in the Chaparral.