July 22, 1970
SRI Closing Computation Center Account
SRI purchase order form, dated 7/22/70, closing its account at the Stanford Computation Center, “Effective 2/9/71.”
February 8, 1971
Open Letter to the Stanford Community
Letter from The Inquisition stating that their investigation has uncovered SRI’s use of the Computation Center for war research, and stating six demands which include that all use of Stanford facilities by non-University individuals and institutions be made public, and that the use of these facilities for defense contracts be immediately terminated.
February 9, 1971
Stanford Press Release
Charles Dickens, acting Director of the Stanford Computation Center, told about non-university groups using the Comp Center.
February 9 1971
SRI War Games
Draft of a column, “SRI War Games at Computation Center," that appears in the Stanford Daily on February 9, 1971 under the name of Inquisition member “Lew Lingg.” I’m pretty sure Lew Lingg is a pseudonym, so I put it in quotes.
/s/ Lenny
February 10, 1971
Stanford Press Release
Provost William F. Miller told about non-university groups using the Comp Center.
February 10, 1971
Stanford Press Release
“Protesting the Laotian invasion, about 550 persons, mainly students, voted Tuesday night, Feb. 9, to start a ‘mobile strike’ at Stanford… The Computation Center and Hoover Institution were mentioned as initial targets.”
February 11, 1971
Stanford Press Release
The Stanford Computation Center was seized for three hours by ant-war protestors, resulting in 12 arrests and 10 injuries. The 16-year old son of a professor was shot in the thigh and admitted to Stanford Hospital.
SRI Does Indochina War Research at the Stanford Computation Center!!!!
Undated flyer by The Inquisition proclaiming that SRI is using the University’s Computation Center to run GAMUT-H, a computer simulation of an amphibious assault designed to optimize speed and efficiency in the deployment of helicopters, troops, and artillery, which is “directly applicable in Indochina.”
Undated, unsigned, document about the use of Marines and helicopters.
Aircraft & Ships Used in Captured SRI Amphibious Assault Plans
Undated, unsigned document which appears to be a list of variables used in the SRI simulation along with the “real world” items they represent.
Additional Notes on GAMUT-H
Undated, unsigned document which refers to two reports concerning defense contracts.
Computer Listing
Three pages from a computer program listing—apparently part of the GAMUT-H simulation program,
February 12, 1971
Computation Center Letter To All Users
Letter stating the “principal features” of the policy regarding use of the Computation Center.
February 16, 1971
Provost Miller's Remarks
Text of prepared remarks delivered on KZSU, 2/16/71, relating to non-University use of the Stanford Computation Center and other University facilities.
February 17, 1971
Stanford Press Release
KZSU interview with Stanford Provost William F. Miller regarding the relationship between research at Stanford and national policy.
Application Form to Use Stanford Computation Center
One page application form plus one-page supplement form for use of the Stanford Computation Center.
February 17, 1971
Listing of Non-University Users of the Stanford Computation Center
This document lists users who (1) have open accounts and (2) have used their accounts during the last four months.
Also available as three files:
SRI’s Use of the Stanford Computation Center
Unsigned, undated document chronicling SRI’s use of the Computation Center and its evasion of University policy.
A Small Victory
Undated flyer reporting Provost William Miller’s announcement that SRI has terminated its use of the Stanford Computation Center, and that information concerning utilization of the Comp Center by non-University organizations will be made public.
August, 1971
Stanford Computation Center—List of Outside Users